Sunday, February 15, 2009

well, that explains that then

Let's just get right to the bloggin'.

The Times' catalog of the pains of surviving in New York under the new $500,000 finance executive salary cap is amazing in all kinds of ways. After I got over the terrible humanity of CEOs having to give up their ski trips, though, and even the fears for the psychological health of titans of industry forced to ride the subway with the likes of me, something occurred to me: Don't these people have any savings?

I mean, here you are, you've been paid millions of dollars a year for probably a few years now. You're a high-ranking exec at a financial services company, probably with a top-flight business school degree or two. Your industry tanks, and you've got this lifestyle to maintain. You don't have any money saved for a rainy day?

Then I thought, why'd I think they'd be any more responsible with their money then ours?